Our Review Process
The quality of the application determines whether the project will be funded or not. The evaluation will be performed by qualified external experts/reviewers and is based on the following criteria.
Scientific Merit and Significance
Is the review of the literature comprehensive and adequate? Does the project address an important problem in the field? Will successful completion of the project improve scientific knowledge, technical capability, clinical practice, concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, or services?
Goals and Objectives
Is the rationale for the study clearly stated in the context of present knowledge? Are the objectives and hypotheses clearly stated? Are the objectives realistic (Specific, Measurable, and Achievable)?
Research Plan (Methodology and Data Analysis)
Is the overall research plan well defined and appropriate to accomplish the specific aims of the project? Is the study setting well-described? Does the proposal provide a clear description of the study design? Are the study methods clearly outlined for each objective? Is the sample size justified? Is the data management and analysis plan adequate? What are the potential caveats in the research plan, and are the potential problems and alternative strategies for success presented?
Research Impact
What is the probability that the project will result in new knowledge or have an impact on the research field? What is the potential for the project results to support new or improved technology?
The Benefit to the UAE
Are there opportunities for the participation of young scientists in the project? Is their potential for training and capacity building by this project? Is there long-term positive impact on medical, health-related, social, economic, or environmental issues in the UAE?
Track record of the applicant(s)
Are the investigators (PI and collaborators) qualified for the project? Does the team have the resources to successfully complete the proposed study? Is the track record of the PI and the collaborators/co-investigators supportive of funding?
Feasibility of the project and budget justification
Is the duration of the project realistic and appropriate? Are the roles and responsibilities of each collaborator clearly described? Are adequate facilities/infrastructure needed for the project available and accessible to the research team? Is the requested budget realistic and well-justified?